These 3 little short videos are meant for acupuncture students and practitioners who need a little inspiration, motivation, and love. They are not necessarily about Chinese medicine.

I truly hope they resonate with you and bring you peace and joy 😍
Sending you a big virtual hug 💜

TCM Geek

PS: Want more student support? Check out my book series, my free podcast, free courses & PDFs, and my resources page for all things TCM to support your journey to becoming a practitioner and beyond!

LISTEN UP, Acupuncture Students & Practitioners!

🪴I’ve been told, I’m silly, crazy, or even should act more my age, instead of goofing off on social media like a teenager…

🪴I don’t take offense, because I’m having so much fun sharing my love for Chinese medicine. 

🪴Self growth takes time. Be kind to yourself always! And don’t worry about other people’s opinions, just DO YOU! 

🪴In Chinese medicine, self-growth happens when the TCM Kidneys are strong, the Liver is flowing freely, the Spleen is thinking clearly, the Heart is calm and the Lungs are connecting the mind with the body. 

🍎 For those of you asking about what I’m making, it’s my breakfast: 

– Oatmeal (Nourish the Spleen)
– Pumpkin seeds & sunflower seeds (Strengthen the Kidneys)
– Almond butter (Nourish the brain & calm the Heart mind)
– Apple diced (Soothe the Liver)
– Vanilla extract (Warm KD Yang)
– Himalayan sea salt (Protect KD Yin)


Acupuncture Students – May the Force be with you! 💫💫💫

🤓 A gentle reminder to all acupuncture students 

  1. You often get so excited about acupuncture, that you are eager to finish your program as fast as possible, in order to start practicing.
  2. You focused so much on passing your exams & tests, you forgot to enjoy the learning journey. 
  3. While in school, learn the basics, be inquisitive, and practice as often as possible. Do not rush the process.
  4. The real learning comes once you open your clinic. Your patients will show you the way. 
  5. Use the force (Qi) and slowly, you too will become an acupuncture Jedi. 

A TCM Rock Star you already are 💫✨may the force be with you!


Acupuncture Students & Practitioners – GO Little TCM Rock STARS ⭐️

For a lot of practitioners, the past 2 years have been challenging with all the lockdowns and restrictions.
Don’t give up! You are a TCM ROCK STAR ⭐️ and you are needed more than ever today! 

Sending love & positive energy to all of you! 💗