Diet is at the centre of our health and Chinese medicine advocates a nutrition that is geared specifically to each unique person. These posts are all on TCM food cures and herbal medicine, according to patterns of diagnosis.

I add to this page on a regular basis, so if you don’t want to miss out, sign up to get my updates (at the bottom of this post!).

Keep rocking it with acupuncture and let me know what you think ๐Ÿ™‚

TCM Geek

PS: You can also check out my other resources such as Acupuncture Treatment Protocolsย (and Case Studies), Acupuncture Theory & Acupuncture Points, TCM Foundation & Diagnosis, and TCM Online Courses.

Chinese Medicine Basic Nutrition (Video)ย 

TCM Nutrition for Yin Organs Patterns

Chinese Medicine Nutrition for Disorders

Specific Foods Functions