You will be able to review your TCM foundation and diagnosis anytime with these made easy video courses. Because you and I know, in Chinese medicine, there is no wrong treatment, just the wrong diagnosis. Reviewing our TCM foundation & diagnosis makes us stronger and allow us to achieve superior patient care.
I’ve been teaching TCM to future acupuncture professionals since 2008 and absolutely love it! Now, my goal is to expand my reach to TCM Rock Stars (yep, that’s you!) all over the world. I want to make Chinese medicine easy to grasp and fun to learn.
I would advise to watch these videos in order, unless you just wanted to review a specific subject. As usual, keep rocking using TCM!
PS: more video courses are coming soon! In the mean time, get my class notes of the Zang-Fu Organs TCM Patterns & Symptoms here.
The Yin Yang Theory Course Made Easy
The 5 Element Theory Course Made Easy
The 4 Vital Substances Course Made Easy
The Zang-Fu Organs Theory Course Made Easy
The Causes of Diseases in Chinese Medicine
TCM Diagnosis: The 8 Principles in Chinese Medicine
Observation Method (Including Tongue Diagnosis)
Inquiry Method (The HEART System)
The LUNG System – Inquiry Method

Inquiry Method (The Kidneys System)
TCM Diagnosis – Inquiry Method (The Spleen System)
Stomach & Large Intestine Inquiry Method
The Liver Inquiry Method
Pulse Diagnosis in Chinese medicine

Hello Clara,
Just came across your brilliant website and really impressed! Will be coming back again and again.
Thank you,
Thanks for the kind words Eileen, so glad you enjoyed my site 🙂 Clara
Hiya, Clara
I do love your website, for me as a student of Chinese medicine is very beneficial. I can’t wait for starting online courses 🙂
Hi Lubica,
Glad you’re enjoying it all 🙂
My goal is to educate, inspire and entertain all at once!
Hi Clara,
I love your website, it’s very informative and a great supporting tool for practitioners and students alike,great work, well done.
Thank you Dermot, you’ve made my day!
Dear Clara,
I am so impressed with your achievements and presentation skills, making the hard things much easier to digest.
I just wanted to ask you about the references you use to recommend the specific treatment points protocol for a certain disorder.
Thank you a million for creating this website.
Kindest Regards
Hello Omar,
Thank you for the kind words, much appreciated 🙂
The references are from my own 12 years experience practicing, and cross referencing many different TCM books.
Thank you soo much Clara, preparing for boards and this site is straight from heaven. Thank you, Jamal
Hi Jamal,
So glad I can be of help! Good luck on your big board exam. I know you will rock it 🙂
And then you can heal the world, one patient at a time!.
Hi Clara
I love your voice, your passion and your enthusiasm. What a genuine and generous person you are to inspire and educate through this website. A gift to us all.
Love, light, laughter
Helena Sterne
Hi helena,
You’ve made my day! Your ROCK! Thank you for your kind words, thye warm my heart 🙂
Hello my name Teresa , Thank you for explaining the Chinese clock in an easy way well done!! 🙂
Thanks Teresa 🙂
Hi, I love your program.
Some things I am unable to download but mainly, how much is your program? I can’t quite figure it ut. Very well done, thank you. Mana
It’s not meant to download, just play 🙂
These videos are free, the courses are free or paid, depending on which ones. All of it, is online only.
Lovely work there. Please keep it up. Really helpful
I will for sure, thanks Kedrick 🙂
gratitude doe this great TCM lesson, learnings
Hello Clara, I’ve just recently taken the Infertility and TCM course but I cannot figure out how to apply for my CEU’s through CE Broker. I cannot get credit for them otherwise.
HI Margaret,
I emailed you regarding the above. Hope you got it! Let me know if you have questions 🙂
Love this website! Thanks for your work on the TCM education
My pleasure 🙂
Thank you, Clara. I appreciate all the work that you have put into your resources. I am a kinesiologist and much of my work includes TCM. A great complementary mode.
My pleasure Neva 🙂
Bonjour Clara, je suis ravie de vous rencontrer via ce site et vos explications sur la MTC. Passionnée à mon tour, j’aimerai en apprendre encore plus et surtout pouvoir pratiquer. Je trouve super toutes vos vidéos, toutefois, sur votre site; l’ensemble des textes est en anglais. Comment pouvoir les obtenir en français svp, même en changeant en haut à droite, vos textes sont en anglais.
Je vous remercie de l’intérêt porté à ma demande;
Bien à vous Nathalie
Bonjour Nathalie, Je vous répondue par email 🙂