If you are not sure which of my Chinese medicine “Made Easy” books or PDFs to invest in, here are their features and details.
Below you’ll find my 3 books: Chinese Medicine Made Easy BOOK/PDF, AcuPoints Made Easy BOOK/PDF and Chinese Medicine Treatments Made Easy BOOK/PDF
You may choose between the digital PDF with complimentary video links, or the hard copy which ships all over the world. Or like many people, you can buy both and I’ll give you a discount!
Let me know if you have questions, you can always email me at acuproacademy@gmail.com
TCM Geek
If you’re a visual person, you’re going to love this book! I have put my passion for acupuncture and Chinese medicine into creating a fun digital PDF (with over 808 pages!) you can download and access anytime, from any device (Computer, Phone, or Tablet) or if you prefer the hard copy, it ships all over the world!
AcuPoints Made Easy – What’s Inside?
- Introduction to acupuncture theory & meridian theory.
- All AcuPoints of the 12 regular meridians with their functions, locations, depth & angle of insertion, and my own clinical pearls.
- The 8 Extraordinary Vessels made easy, including all points of the REN & DU Vessels.
- Commonly used Extra points.
- Special points such as Back-Shu, Front-Mu, Yuan, Luo, Xi-Cleft, Ghost and more.
- Basic Moxa & Cupping therapy.
- Contraindications & precautions.
AcuPoints Made Easy – Fun Facts
- The PDF allows you to search by meridians, points, symptoms, special points and much more!
- You’ll find little Rock Star icons throughout, symbolizing an important function of a point.
- Fun and unique graphics to illustrate the functions of AcuPoints.
- You’ll have quick access to short video links.
- I also have included personal stories I hope you’ll enjoy and benefit from.
Before you invest AcuPoints Made Easy, I want to make sure it’s everything you were looking for in a fun illustrated guide for acupuncture points. You can download a sample of the HEART points to see if the format of the book is what you were looking for.
Click here to find out all the details of my AcuPoints Made Easy – An Illustrated Guide for Acupuncture Points, and to download a sample of the HEART points.
If you prefer a printed hard copy, check it out here!
AcuPoints Made Easy Testimonials
This is what people who invested in AcuPoints Made Easy had to say. I have put many hours into creating this digital book, and I enjoyed every minute of it. I didn’t expect it to have such an impact. Check them out!
⭐️ “I adore the book! It has answered so many questions on my mind and is logically and clearly laid out. It was a great investment.”
⭐️ “Absolutely love this. Thank you for thinking outside the box, I have ADD and I’m easily distracted. You make it easy to retain this required information for acupuncture students in different ways for better understanding and memory. You rock!”
⭐️ “Thank you Clara for your beautiful creativity and sharing your “acupuncture rocks” with like minded peeps. I love the visuals and I learn best in this soul language of graphics.”
⭐️ “Thank you Clara! This is awesome!!! I’ve saved so many of your posts on Instagram I’m happy to have everything in this PDF” form!
⭐️ “Thank you, Clara, it’s an AMAZING work, was totally worth waiting, enjoying every page of it!!!”
⭐️ “I am a visual learner and a student new to acupuncture and TCM. This e-book will come in quite handy throughout my program and for the rest of my career. Thank you for sharing your wealth of knowledge and for your dedication to completing this project.”
Chinese Medicine Made Easy Book
☯️ Diagnosis is the hardest part of TCM. With this book, I wanted to make it easy to grasp and fun to learn! Here’s what you get when investing in my book.
Chinese Medicine Made Easy Book/PDF – What’s Inside?
- TCM foundation theories: Yin & Yang, the 5 Elements, the 4 Vital Substances, and the Zang-Fu Organs.
- The causes of diseases in Chinese Medicine, including the 6 stages & 4 levels.
- TCM DIAGNOSIS: the 4 methods (inquiry, observation, palpation, auscultation & olfaction). Tongue, Pulse and so much more!
- Differential diagnosis: symptoms and TCM patterns differentiation.
- Case studies to improve your TCM diagnosis skills.
- Initial consultation INTAKE FORM you can use in your practice to guide you.
- Over 180 unique graphics to illustrate each concept throughout the book.
Chinese Medicine Made Easy Testimonials
“I am very excited about receiving your second book! I love your first one and it currently is my favourite quick resource. It’s brilliant and so easy to use! Thank you for sharing your passion and your hard work!”
“BOUGHT IT!!! This is excellent, thank you so much :)”
“The more I read, the more I like this book! It is simple to follow, all information is super organized with great pictures – makes memorizing a lot easier!
This book will definitely make my learning a lot more productive!”
“You’ve done it again! You are amazing. I wish we had your resources 20 years ago, back in TCM school.”
Before you buy Chinese Medicine Made Easy, I want to make sure it is everything you were looking for. Please download the free sample PDF here to see the format of the book.
Click here to watch the short video, and invest in Chinese Medicine Made Easy Book
Chinese Medicine TREATMENTS Made Easy
TCM TREATMENTS for over 160 common syndromes (with AcuPoints, herbs, ear points, diet & more) for acupuncture students and practitioners to use in clinic!
➡️ Click here to download the sample & get all the details!
📚 What’s Inside?
TCM Treatment protocols include acupuncture points, herbal formulas, ear points, cupping, moxa, and diet recommendations.
– Introduction to TCM treatments
– The Zang-Fu organs patterns and their treatment protocols
– TCM treatments for:
- 15 common Lung disorders/symptoms
- 19 common Digestive disorders/symptoms
- 12 common Neurological disorders/symptoms
- 15 common Pain disorders/symptoms
- 4 common Cardiovascular disorders/symptoms
- 23 common Mental disorders/symptoms
- 37 common Women’s disorders/symptoms
- 4 common Men’s disorders/symptoms
- 6 common Genitourinary disorders/symptoms
- 8 common Skin disorders/symptoms
- Cancer support, including pre and post-surgery
- Clinical practice case studies
What formats is the book available in?
📚Choose between the hard copy book (which ships all over the world!) or digital PDF you can download on any device! Click here to find out all the details of my Chinese TREATMENTS Medicine Made Easy.
I am truly blown away by the amazing feedback I have received from many people who have purchased it. WOW! I am very humbled and touched.
Chinese Medicine Treatments Made Easy Testimonials
“Thank you, Clara! This is exactly what I needed!!! I love how you organized this book! It’s truly helping me in my first year in practice😊” ~ Crystal
“So excited. Bought immediately! It will be a great resource for studying for boards!”
~ Jackie
“OMG I IMMEDIATELY purchased this and it is at such a bargain price that I almost feel ashamed for paying what I believe is worthy of much, much more. Even as an experienced practitioner for over 10 years, I like your stuff just as much.” ~ Eline
“I don’t go to work without my AcuPoints Made Easy & Chinese Medicine Made Easy Books on my desk. This third one will take center stage!” ~ Michelle
“Your dedication and love for TCM shines through every page! Thank you for sharing your passion with us!!” ~ Lesley
Hi! All of this material is amazing! By any chance, do you offer bundles for those interested in purchasing all of your ebooks?
Not at this time 🙏🏼
She does offer a discount if you’d like both formats of the same book (hard copy + PDF)! You just have to send an email with your receipt to receive a discount code 🩷
Oh, sorry to hear there is no bundle price. Any chance there might be in the future?
I would love to have all 3 as I am sure many others would as well.
Hi Mary, we now offer bundle purchases for the PDFs and You can bundle the physical copies just by adding all 3 to your cart: https://www.acuproacademy.ca/bundles
Let us know if you have any other questions 🥰
Does the AcuPoints Made Easy book offer specifics on treatments for menopause symptoms? Thank you!
No, that book has all acupuncture points functions and location not specific syndromes. But my TCM treatments does cover it: https://www.acuproacademy.ca/chinese-medicine-Treatments-made-easy