I love the Spleen Channel! In clinical practice, I use a lot of its acupuncture points. SP4, SP 6, SP 9 and SP 21 are a very big part of my practice ๐Ÿ˜

In this new series on acupuncture points locations & functions of each channel. My aim is to make each point easy to locate, as well as differentiating all acupuncture points functions. I also look at Channel pathways and how relevant they are in practice.

Let me know what you think and keep rocking it with acupuncture! ๐Ÿ˜
TCM Geek

PS: If you want more, check out my “All about the TCM Large Intestine” post. And if you enjoy my graphics and haven’t invested in my AcuPoints Made Easy Book (PDF or Hard Copy) yet, get your copy here! ๐Ÿ™

The Spleen Channel of Foot Tai Yin has 21ย acupuncture points (bilaterally). It is used mostly for Spleen & Stomach disorders, digestive, reproductive and mental disorders, and disorders along the channel pathway.

The Spleen Channel and it’s 21 Points

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~~~~~ โฐ Class Times โฐ ~~~~~

0:00 min Intro on the Spleen Channel made easy concept.
0:50 min the Spleen channel pathway (Foot Tai Yin)
5:29 min SP 1, SP 2, and SP 3 acupuncture points functions & location
8:59 min SP 3 & SP 4 acupuncture points functions & location
11:53 min SP 6, SP 7, SP 8, SP 9 acupuncture points functions & location
17:00 min SP 10 acupuncture point functions & location
18:36 min SP 11 acupuncture point functions & Location
19:23 min SP 12 & SP 13 acupuncture point functions & location
20:55 min SP 14, SP 15 & SP 16 acupuncture point functions & location
22:27 min SP 17, SP 18, SP 19, SP 20 acupuncture point functions & location
23:37 min SP 21 acupuncture point functions & location
25:37 min differentiating all Spleen Channel acupuncture points functions (quick recap made easy)

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The Spleen Channel & it’s 21 Points Video Transcription

Welcome back to my channel. I’m going to look at the Spleen acupuncture points, functions, location, and also this Spleen’s channels pathway. So we can put it all together in an easy way. Without further ado. Let’s do it.

Hi, I’m Clara from AcuPro Academy and I create acupuncture and Chinese medicine content for practitioners and students making it easy to grasp and fun to learn. If you find this of value, please give me a like, or even subscribe, so you don’t miss out on any future video. And now, let’s rock it!

Looking at the Spleen channel and it’s 21 points, sometimes it can be confusing finding the right locations of all the points and functions because they have so many similarities. Well, I’m going to look at all this today. Let’s go.

Okay. So we’re going to start with the Spleen channel pathway, but before we do below this video, there all the links that you need resources to my website. So if you wanted to know a little bit more or review the TCM function as an organ system and TCM. Find it all in my resource page, in the link below.

The Spleen Channel Pathway

So let’s talk about the spleen channel pathway. Before we do that, the Spleen Meridian or channel, depending on how you want you want to use the word, is going to have 21 points and it is a foot meridian because it starts at the foot. Every Meridian in that either end at the foot, or start at the foot is a foot Meridian.

It is a foot Tai Yin, Tai Yin means greater yin. The Lung Tai Yin is a hand meridian, hand Tai Yin meridian and the Spleen is a foot Tai Yin. So the Lung and the Spleen have a really good relationship, they have the same name. And the reason is they have a really good connection for the fact that they are related to pathogens invasion as well, which it affects the Spleen and the Lung.

When is the Spleen most active in the day?

Now, let’s start by saying that also the Spleen is very activated this channel two hours of the day between 9:00 AM and 11:00 AM. This in the morning, time is the best time to either use your physical body for exercise or your mental brain to, do you productive, mental work.

So, because this is when our Spleen is at its strongest. So this is when, if someone doesn’t have a lot of energy in the morning, that’s a Spleen issue.

This is your best productive time, so utilize it well.ย 

The spleen Meridian starts at SP 1, which is at the big toe and what it does, it is going to go along the medial aspect of the foot, along the anterior aspect of the malleolus and just on the medial aspect of the lower leg, towards the knee, to the thigh and up towards the inner thigh or where the hip flexor area is when we bend and flex our thigh.

Now we have Spleen 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Then we have 6 where all three meridians cross Spleen Liver and Kidney (weโ€™re going to talk about this today.) 7, 8, 9 are at the knee, 10 and 11 on the thighs. And then we have 12 and 13, which are going to be close to the femoral artery. So we’ll talk about that. And then 14, 15 on the abdominal region, and then we’re going to continue to 16, which is still in the abdominal region.

And then we’re going to go all the way. To the top of where Spleen 20 is. So this is a 17, 18, 19 20, which are all in intercostal spaces. And then we’re going to go back down to 21 because 21 is going to be on the medial side of our body on the intercostal space six or seven. So we go back down.ย 

The Spleen Meridian has branches

Now we also know Meridian has a branch. That’s going into one, all meridians have internal and external branch, external parts as well. The points are internal parts it’s connected to what we’re trying to connect it to, which often is its own organ and it’s Yin Yang related organ. So for instance, this in general branch goes to the Spleen and Stomach, sorry for my drawing. And then we’ll go to the throat and finish at the root of the mouth. So at the root of the tongue and at the root of the mouth, because digestion starts at the mouth and Spleen and Stomach are all related to digestive system into TCM.

There’s also a branch from the Spleen organ that is going to go connect to the Heart organ, where it meets the Heart Meridian. So the Heart Meridian will start at its own organ. Yes. So that is the pathway of the Spleen channel, the Spleen channel as a whole address, that digestive system issue of course. It also addresses issues of muscle and muscular system issue because the Spleen is related to muscle in the 5 Element and it addresses anything that has to do with the mind as well.

So we are going to look at all this and also the Reproductive System (it’s very much related to the Reproductive System) and water metabolism. There is to talk about when it comes to Spleen Meridian. All the points, location, and function. Let’s get going.

Spleen Points Locationsย 

SP 1 to 3 Acupuncture Points

Let’s look at the locations of Spleen points. Spleen 1 is 0.1 Cun from the base of the corner of the nail on the medial side, because Liver 1 is going to be on the lateral side, right? They’re very close to each other, they’re both on the big toe, so that’s where that’s located.

Spleen 2 on the other hand is distal and inferior to the first metatarsal joints. You could see where it is on the side of the foot. And then Spleen 3 is proximal and inferior to the first metatarsal phalangeal joint. So as you can see the, both on each side and often people have, you know, excess skin there and, in a ball of the foot. So we can see it’s on one side and then Spleen 3 is on the other side.

Spleen 1 is a special point two times over. First, it’s a Jin-well point. As a Jing-well point, we prick to bleed it specifically for the normal uterine bleeding. This is really good for women that have had very, very heavy gushing flooding menstruation. It’ll slow the flooding down because otherwise they could become anemic very easily. Of course, we always want to look for the root cause of the problem. It’s also used for women that have trickling or spotting for like three months to stop the spotting. Again, looking for the root cause is important, but this point is really good as an emergency point. Second, it’s a ghost point.

I love ghost points and if you haven’t seen my video all on the ghost points, check it out right here.

SP 1, as a ghost point is really good to use for women and men and anybody that has body image issue and eats their feelings. So for people that have tendency to have bulimia specifically, because if you are bad about their body image, and then they start eating and bingeing that’s a really good point. Again, we want to look for the root cause and do a full treatment, but this point has to be part of it. I love SP 1 and those two things are what we want to remember about SP1.

Spleen 2 it’s also a special point. It’s a yin spring point. Yin spring points usually you have tendency to clear heat. So this is a Spleen point that clears heat when there is gastric pain with inflammation. Or febrile disorders without sweating. Also, it can be used for diarrhea, that is smelly because there’s lots of excess heat. So there’s not many points on the Spleen Meridian that can clear heat. Spleen 10 is one of them as well. But Spleen two is great for that perspective. That’s it! That’s that.

Spleen 3 is a great special point as well. Two times over just like SP 1. It is a Shu-Stream point. Which as, you know, Shu-stream points are really good for anything happening to the earth, to the digestive system. And it’s a Yuan source point of the Spleen, which makes it the best point when there is malabsorption, when there is issue of the Spleen not being able to transform and transport.

This is the function of the spleen that will be reflected in this point. So any digestive system disorders like malabsorption, like bloating, cravings, issue with loose stools. You know, anything that’s happening to the Spleen and diarrhea due to your digestive system not properly functioning. This is the point.ย 

SP 4 to 9

Spleen 4 as you can see, is distal and inferior to the base of the first metatarsal bone. And it’s often mistaken for KD 2, which has below the navicular bone. So we have to be careful and not mix them up. And then Spleen 5 is located distal and inferior to the medial malleolus, as you can see in here, it is literally very close to Liver 4. For, so they’re very close to each other, the Liver are in green and the Spleen points are in yellow. I just wanted to kind of show you that way you can see the difference.ย 

I love Spleen 4 because it’s also a special point. First it’s a new, LUO connecting point from the Spleen to the Stomach. So that makes it a great point to address digestive system issue that affects both the Spleen and the Stomach. So upper digestive track with lower digestive tract. That’s a confluent point for the Chong vessel.

The Chong vessel is called the sea of blood. So it’s related to the blood and essence and reproductive system. So Spleen 4 is really good when there is issue with the menstruation system or the menstruation. Maybe being late, irregular painful, doesn’t matter. Any menstruation issues SP 4 is going to be really, useful. As well as for breast milk issues like post partum, post childbirth. Specifically combined with PC 6 and Spleen 4 together, which are all confluent point PC 6 is the confluent point of the Yin Way Vessel. And so to gather they’re really good at balancing female reproductive hormones, the two together. Fantastic.ย 

I really enjoy using Spleen 5 and I think it’s an underrated, underused point.

All Spleen points are going to address digestive system issues, but what makes SP 5 different? First of all, it’s a Jin-river point. And as a Jing-river point, it’s one of the best Spleen points to help when there is mental and physical fatigue. So for people that overthink, overwork, students that over study. This is a really good point for mental fatigue, but also physical fatigue.

I love to use this point for that perspective also for people that get anxiety and stutter. Remember how the Spleen channel go to the root of the mouth root of the tongue. Right? So for people that get really anxious and start to stutter and they feel like they can’t speak and their tongue feels like its knotted, almost right. That is the best point. I love SP 5 because it’s definitely underrated.

Spleen 6, as you can see is three cun above the medial, malleolus at the edge of the tibia. Spleen 7 is three cun above Spleen 6 on the line between Spleen 6 and Spleen 9. I want to remind us that the medial cun measurement for the body is between the medial malleolus to the Patellar crease is 50. So we want to make sure we have the right distance, right?

When it comes to Spleen nine, it is going to be posterior and inferior to the medial condyle of the tibia. And Spleen 8 is three cun below Spleen 9 on the same line between Spleen 9and Spleen 6. So those are all the points on the leg.ย 

Spleen Points Functions

The Rockstar Spleen Point’s Functions

Okay, this is the Big Kahuna. This is the rockstar of all Spleen points. Spleen 6 is probably my second favorite point of all points because my favorite point is Stomach 40, but it’s Spleen 6 is all so close.

First of all, it crosses three meridians. It crosses the Liver, the Spleen and the Kidney. This is what its name is, right? So it is the crossing point of those three Meridians because of that, it can be used for anything regarding mental health, digestive health and reproductive health. Those three things, it’s SP 6. Put it with every sauce.

So that’s what I love about Spleen 6 on top of it, a lot of things–that people don’t know is–Spleen 6 is the commander point of the hip and the pelvic floor. So anything happening in the pelvic floor, in the hips area, being musculoskeletal or internal, you have to use Spleen 6. Now we know it’s a counter indicated point during pregnancy.

Want to dive deeper into TCM & Pregnancy?

Right. So we want to be mindful of that, but we can actually add it up at the end when we want to help with labour. And if you want to know more about Cervical Ripening and Labour Induction and anything that has to do with pregnancy, check out my course up here, The Complete TCM and Pregnancy Course that makes you understand and makes you feel safe to treat pregnant women. If you feel like you’re a little bit hesitant. So that’s my bypass.ย 

Spleen 6 is an amazing point, because it’s also nourishes blood. Which not many points do that in TCM perspective. So I love that about Spleen 6. I love to use it as well when there is any reproductive, like I said, mental and digestive health issues. So it is a fantastic point. As you can see, rockstar of all acupuncture points SP 6.ย 

Course Break

Are you enjoying my graphics so far? Well, you can find them all in my Acupoints Made Easy: an Illustrated Guide to all Acupuncture Points and so much more. The PDF version has a lot of video links. You can download it on your phone, your tablet, your computer, and have it at your fingertips at any time. It has a great table of contents.

The hardcopy ships all over the world. If you’re someone that loves to hold a book and really enjoy the colorful part of my graphics, you’ll find them all. Exactly the same as the PDF in the hard copy book. The feedback has been amazing. As you could see here, so many people have just loved the book or the PDF or both. So what are you waiting for? Click the link below and get your copy today. Let’s get back to what we’re talking about today.ย 

SP 7 to 10 Functions

Spleen 7 is probably not used that often because it’s mostly a local point for low leg numbness or any pain, but it can also be used for abdominal issues and borborygmi.

I love Spleen 8. I use it all the time in clinical practice because it is the Xi-Cleft point of the Spleen making it the best point for menstruation cramping. So great for dysmenorrhea any menstruation pain. It is great to prevent so we can put it prior to, but also during menstruation best points for that.

Spleen 9 is a He-Sea point. And as a He-Sea point , they’re all are located either at the elbow or the knee. They have a lot of Qi, a lot of blood, and they’re quite powerful. And SP 9 is the best point for any dampness, excess body fluid anywhere in the body. So swelling, edema, bloating, water retention for excess fluid. Like excess saliva, excess nasal discharge, or postnasal drip. Anything candida, yeast, a lot of excess vaginal discharge, any excess dampness.

You’ve got to put Spleen 9 best points hands down. I use it all the time.ย 

Spleen 10 is located directly above Spleen 9. We’re going to take the two cun of the patella, that’s the length of the patella and Spleen 10 is located two cun directly above the superior medial angle of the patella. Often. It’s great to cup the knee and feel the bulge of the quadriceps femoris. This is how we find the point because it is going to be on the medial edge of the quads femoris, and that’s how we find the point. Yeah.ย 

Alright, here’s another point that I love Spleen 10. It’s one of the best points to clear heat from the blood. So when thereโ€™s blood heat, what happens? Usually there is a lot of excess abnormal bleeding, so it’s great for Metrorrhagia, like heavy, heavy bleeding, menstruation. Any kind of heavy bleeding and abnormal bleeding that is due to blood heat.

Remember that when there is abnormal bleeding, either it’s a Spleen not holding the blood within the blood vessel and the person is more fatigued and cold, more weak. With heat in the blood, the person’s feeling hot, right? That’s a different story. Those are the only two ways of abnormal bleeding.

So Spleen 10 is the best point when there’s heat in the blood creating that abnormal bleeding. It’s also used to reduce inflammation and cool the blood for rashes for hives, for allergic reaction, where the person turns red and there’s lots of red patches. This is the best point I’ve used it so many times in clinic and it works like magic. Within 10 minutes the rashes, the allergic reaction comes down. So love Spleen 10, itโ€™s a fantastic point.ย 

SP 11 to 15 Acupuncture Points

Spleen 11 is going to be a little more tricky to locate. It is six cun directly above Spleen 10 on the quadriceps femoris, on the line between 10 and 12. 10 is harder to locate and we’re going to look at it, right now. Spleen 11 is again, not used that much, and it’s mostly for local issue and local pain, but it can also be used for bed wetting and urine retention because it regulates the pathways of the water.

Having said that, there are better points for that. Kidney points are better; like KD 4 is really good. And when there is a urine retention, also KD 4 is really good for that. So, but that is a point we need to know anyway, right?ย 

Spleen 12 and 13, I’m just going to talk about the location. I did not quite located on the body because they’re not used as much specifically Spleen 12 because it is considered a dangerous point.

We have to watch for the femoral artery, which is right there.

So, you know, if you could use other points that are better and not dangerous, I think for me personally, that’s probably the best option. But Spleen 12 is located three and a half cun to lateral to the midline. And right at the level of the upper border of the pubic synthesis bone. Spleen 13 is located four cun lateral to the midline and just point seven cun above and lateral to Spleen 12.

So they’re very close to each other. Point seven cun is really close, and it’s kind of like in the diagonal and they’re all really close both of them to the femoral artery. So we have to be really mindful of that.

And they are used mostly for inguinal hernia. And there’s lots of points in TCM that are really powerful for hernia. So if those points feel uncomfortable and because of their location. Then there are better points, like Liver points that are very close, but not as worrisome. If that’s how we’re going to talk about it. So hopefully that helps. Let’s continue.

So Spleen 14 is kind of funny. It’s 1.3 cun below Spleen 15, 4 cun lateral to the midline. 1.3 cun is not very easy to locate, right? Spleen 15 is four, two lateral to the midline. And as you can see, Spleen 16 is four cun lateral to the midline and three cun directly above Spleen 15.

So those points are very easy to locate, I think they’re all on the belly simple and they all do the same thing.ย Spleen 14 and 15 are going to be for digestive disorders, specifically the lower digestive tract like: diarrhea, constipation and bloating, abdominal pain, easy, simple they are basically local. That’s what that is, easy. Let’s keep going.

SP 16 to 20 Acupuncture points

Spleen 16 is the same, nothing, much more to add. It’s the same as 14 and 15, it’s all for lower digestive tract issues. And so it is at the same level of the small intestine, physical, small intestine. So any issue, pain in that area or diarrhea or constipation or a lot of indigestion that is the point to use.

Although I would say there are better points that are in the Stomach Meridian that I would use over Spleen 16. Mostly probably Stomach 21. Using the points like Ren 12 would be probably a better option, but if there’s pain in that area, we can still use it. It’s not useless. It’s just, you know, something that would not be the best point.

So Spleen 17, 18, 19, and 20 are all going to be located six cun lateral to the midline using the clavicle as your eight cun marker. And then they’re all going to be in intercostal space. So 17 is going to be on the fifth intercostal space and 18 is going to be on the fourth, 19 on the third and 20 on the second. That’s pretty simple, easy, done. All through the intercoastal space.

Spleen 17, 18, 19, and 20. I’m going to group them all because they are all really useful to address problem of the upper chest. Like ripping, coughing, chest pain area, this is what we’re going to use. But having said that, Spleen 18 is also really good when there is mastitis or lack of breastmilk specifically combined with Stomach 18 and Small Intestine 1. Those are going to make a huge difference in either mastitis or like breast milk. So Spleen 18 is the one that has a little bit more to compare to all the four.

SP 21 Acupuncture Point

Locating, Spleen 21 starts at the 10th rib. And then you work your way up to each intercostal space until you reach the seventh and the six. It is on the mid axillary line and it either is located on the sixth Intercostal space or the seventh. The one that is the most standard would be the Spleen 21 for that patient. So some patients Spleen 21 is located on the sixth intercostal space and then for some on the seventh. The most tender is always the right Spleen 21.

Always start from the 10th intercostal space and work your way up.

That’s the easiest way to locate Spleen 21.

I love SP 21. It is the major LUO connecting point of the Spleen. So this makes it a very powerful point because if you remember, the LUO collaterals are basically little vessels that are going to go from one meridian to its yin yang counterpart. For example, Spleen 4 is a point that connects the Spleen to the Stomach. Stomach 40 is the connecting point that is going to connect Stomach to the Spleen, right?

When it comes to Spleen 21, it doesn’t connect to another Meridian opposite Meridian, it connects to the next layer, which is the muscular layer. So the major collateral of the Spleen (which is Dpleen 21) connects to all the muscular region in the body, like a big spider web. ๐Ÿ•ธ๏ธ

It goes and has a bunch of vessels that connects to all the muscles in the body. Because of that SP 21 is the best point to have as a protocol or fibromyalgia or any kind of chronic muscular aches. This is hands down the best point. You can use it all the time. And it works really, really well. So that’s why I love this point.ย 

So the Spleen channel has 21 acupuncture points.

Spleen Channel Acupuncture Points Quick Review

And if you review them quickly. It’s Spleen 1 is the ghost point, which is really good when bulimia or eating our feelings, right? That’s a great point. And it’s great for abnormal uterine bleeding to stop it. Spleen 2 to just clear heat. We’re going to bypass it. Spleen 3 best point when it comes to transporting, transforming function of the spleen. So for mild absorption, digestive issues, that’s the best point, right? Spleen 4 it is all related to blood because it’s a conferment point of Chung vessel. So anything related to menstruation, pregnancy, reproductive hormone, specifically for women, best point.

Spleen 5, great point for overthinking, for mental fatigue, for worrying, and for those who are physically fatigued, as well itโ€™s underused in my opinion. Spleen 6 of course crosses threeMeridians. So addresses anything of the Liver, the Spleen and the Kidney. Great to calm the mind for digestive issues. And for anything with the reproductive systems. So powerful point, it’s also the commander point of the hip, let’s not forget that. It also nourishes blood, which not many points do that, right? So that’s always good to remind ourselves.

7: is used mostly locally.

8: best point for menstruation cramps or dysmenorrhea, painful menstruation because it is the Xi-cleft point of the Spleen.

Spleen 9 is the best point for dampness, any excess body fluid in the body.ย 

10: clears heat from the blood, so great for rashes, allergic reaction, as long as there’s heat, over bleeding, abnormal, excess bleeding, as long as there’s excess heat.

Spleen 11 locally.

12 and 13 more for inguinal hernia.

14, 15, 16, lower digestive track issue. 17, 18, 19, 20, all for anything that’s happening in the chest, like cough with pain. Except 18, which is good for mastitis and lack of breast milk. Spleen 21, best point for any muscle ache, like fibromyalgia in the body. Fantastic. Because it’s the major LUO connecting point.

Wow. We went and reviewed this in less than two minutes. This is how easy it is when you just focus on the most important function of each of the points. And that’s how we use them in the clinical practice. I hope that was a great, useful information and I’m here to support you.

Any questions, put them in the comments., I’m here for you, and there’s so much more on my website, I have tons of resources on my website, which you could see in the corner up there, up there, up there, uh, lots and lots of resources there. So make sure you take advantage, cause I’m here for you to support you. I am Clara and it was a pleasure for you to come to my channel again.

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