On our first day in clinical practice, back when I was in TCM College, my supervisor told me I was going to needle my very first patient today. I was so nervous, but soooo excited! And the very FIRST acupuncture point my teacher asked me to needle on a patient was REN 22!!! OMG! ๐ฑ
I was TERRIFIED! I would have to insert a needle behind the sternum. Are you kidding me?
The cool thing was that both the patient and my clinic supervisor seemed at ease with me performing this crazy stunt! And it totally helped me relax. If they were confident in my ability to do this, then who was I to question it?
I took a big breath, tapped the needle, bent it and slowly inserted it behind the sternum. And Voila!ย Needling any acupuncture point after that, felt like a breeze ๐
In clinical practice, I use REN points a lot, especially for fertility purposes. So today, I thought it’d be fun to look at the REN Mai, its 24 acupuncture points and its characteristics:
- Also called the Conception vessel
- Circulates Essence, originate in the TCM KD
- Sea of all Yin Channels
- Area of the body influenced: Abdomen, thorax, throat, Lungs, Face
- Regulates the TCM Uterus for menstruation, fertility, conception, pregnancy, childbirth and menopause
- It moves Qi in the Lower Jiao for fibroids, hernia and urinary issues
- It regulates the middle Jiao for digestive issues
- It loosens up the upper Jiao for asthma and chest pain
- It helps calm the mind
- Confluent point LU 7
Below you’ll find fun videos and pics about the REN meridianย and its most used points in clinical practice.
Keep rocking using TCM,
TCM Geek
PS: Check out the Chong Vessel, the Dai Vessel,ย and the DU Vessel.
If you enjoy my graphics, check out my illustrated guide for acupuncture points here.
The REN Vessel and its 24 Acupuncture points (functions and locations)
The REN Meridian
REN 6 – CV 6
Firstly, one of the best acupuncture points for low energy and extreme fatigue.
Especially combined with SP 6 and Du 20!
REN 12 – CV 12
Secondly, this is the best point for any stomach issues.
REN 17 – CV 17
Thirdly, this point is perfect for opening up the chest and loosening up the whole Upper Jiao. It’s great for Asthma, cough with difficulty in expectorating phlegm, congested lungs, palpitations, chest pain, and anxiety.
REN 22 – CV 22
Fourthly, this point is a fantastic acupuncture point for Asthma, chronic or acute cough, sore throat, sudden loss of voice, hoarse voice, hiccups and difficulty swallowing.
Ren 24 – CV 24
Fifthly, this is a great point as part of a protocol for facial paralysis and Bell’s Palsy, it relieves toothache, and decreases swelling of the face.
Additionally, because it’s a Ghost Point, it’s used for people who are always worried and are consumed by dark thoughts for years (they donโt ever smile or laugh).
The Ren and Psychology
As a whole, the Ren calms the mind and relieves anxiety, but is also the vessel in charge of self-care and self-love. The Ren allows us to find balance, steadiness, security and a sense of safety. Moreover, it is a Yin meridian, therefore more feminine in nature. In conclusion, it is in charge of our nurturing, compassionate and softer sides.*
*Thank you to Yvonne Farrell for her amazing insight into the Ren Mai psychology*
The REN meridian versus the DU Meridian
Hi Clara,
Im confused about the Ren no. If I wish to learn from ren 1 to 2 to 3.. is there a way to Master it ?
Hi Koh,
Acupuncture books are the way to go to help you learn all points. My posts are just a visual aid, and often just emphasize on the most common points ๐
Hope this makes sense.
Hi ,Clara, first of all i really like your posts. After reading all kind of tcm books ir helps more understanding the stuff. Thanks! I saw in the slice Rm VS Dm that in both sides the part of the body is : up front. Is that correct so the DM is in the back? Or do you mean somerhing different by this?
Hi Manuela,
So glad you like my creativity ๐
OMG! I must have been sleeping when I made the DU versus Ren chart! Hahaha! You’re totally right, Du should say:”Back” not front! I just changed it. Thank you for pointing it out ๐
Have a great day!
Hi Clara,
A very good note for your site is the relationship between the acupuncture points of the ren and du meridians and the chakras.
Note: DU points are the input and RENs the output of the chakras energy.
Have a nice day,
And in what way are they โimputing/outputtingโ? Your assignment of Du is input/ Ren is output is overly simplistic and contradicts their inherent nature of yang/yin.
I’m sorry Randy, I didn’t think I was talking of input or output (i don’t even use the words)…Not sure what you’re referring to.
I’m relating them in a simple way to their Yin and Yang nature.
My website is not for everybody. MY aim is make things simple for students to grasp. Hope that makes sense ๐