When my TCM Liver gets stressed, my LV Yang rises easily! Yoga, and exercising outdoors makes me feel better, and having acupuncture weekly keeps me in check. After all, my main personality in the 5 Element is the Liver type: achiever, goal oriented, stubborn and always wanting to be right!
You’ll find everything you wanted to know about the TCM Liver, right below.
Enjoy 🙂
Keep Rocking it using TCM!
TCM Geek
PS: also you may check out All About the TCM Spleen, All About the TCM Heart, All About the TCM Kidneys, and All About the TCM Lung.
If you enjoy my graphics, check out my illustrated guide for acupuncture points here.
The Liver System in Chinese Medicine: functions and causes of imbalances
Liver Functions in Chinese Medicine
TCM Liver Functions
The 5 Element Theory: Wood
TCM Liver Patterns
Our TCM Liver gets stressed and needs a good healthy diet, as well as some great acupuncture points to soothe and relax it. Lv 3, Li 4 and Gb 34 are best to help Liver Qi Stagnation.
Liver Fire always makes me think of Donald Trump, the Tasmanian Devil, and Simon Cowell! They might need to eat cooling foods and get acupuncture to calm down
Liver Blood deficiency is very common in woman. The herbal formula Si Wu Tang is very good to build Liver Blood, but shouldn’t be taken during pregnancy as it slightly moves blood.
The TCM Liver and Internal Wind

The Liver Meridian & its Most Used Points in Clinical Practice. #AcupunctureRocks!
Some of the commonly used Liver Acupuncture Points
My Liver Yang rises easily, LV 2 to the rescue!
It clears fire, cools blood, stops internal wind and brings LV Yang down. Great point for stressed out people with too much heat.
Treats insomnia, dizziness, temporal headache, bladder infections, heavy menses, convulsions, and irritability.
Liver 3 especially combine with Li 4 moves Qi & blood.
Hi Clara, love what you do. Do you have anything in printed form for each of the organs and each of the points on all meridians. Like the info you share.
Many thanks Adriana
Thanks Adriana. Glad you like my TCM creations!
I don’t have any printed material at this time, maybe in the future…
Shared to my Facebook massage page. Wonderful explanations and very easy to understand graphics! Thank you! 🙂
Awesome! Thanks Regina 🙂
Hi Clara.doing extremely high level job.blessings.
This is such a helpful review for a practicing acupuncturist. I hope for available print material soon!
Thanks Amanda 🙂
It’s coming !!!
You are very able to explain acupuncture. Can I use your wonderful images for a PPT presentation?
Buon Giorno Giuseppina,
Thank you for asking. You can use my graphics as long as you mention my website as the source 🙂
Why are blood stasis symptoms and treatment not listed here? We would be happy if you add it.
It is part of my blog post on the 4 vital substances (the chapter talking about Blood pathology). https://acuproacademy.com/4-vital-substances-chinese-medicine/
Thank you Clara!
This is so good ?
Happy you enjoyed it Maria 🙂
J’apprécie à sa juste ce travail de longues recherches fait par cette noble femme prof de son état dans le but d’aider les notices en cette médecine très passionnant en elle même. Bravo PROF
Merci encore beaucoup Guy 🙂
This is brilliant, thank you. Your content is always A1. My go to!
So glad you found it helpful 🥰