One of my favourite method for diagnosing in Chinese medicine is using our observation skills. I remember back in TCM college, after we learned observation, I used to look at everyone on the street, in public transportation and at the gym. Yep, I was the creepy person who stared! But not to judge, just to practice my TCM diagnosis 😊

The most popular part of observation in Chinese medicine is looking at the tongue! More importantly, every clue we can gather to help us figure out what’s going on with each patient will make us better practitioners.

Today, I wanted to look at the lips!

According to the 5 Elements theoryEarth (SP & ST  & the digestive system in Chinese medicine) manifests on the lips.

Treatment plan has to include diet recommendation as the digestive system is affected. Here’s a picture of 4 different patients lips. And below I wrote my TCM diagnosis and quick diet recommendation.

1) Pale/Purple lips or lavender

This colour indicates a blood stasis (Purple) & a deficiency (Pale = Qi, Yang or Blood depending on other symptoms/clues).

Diet: easy to digest foods such as yams, salmon, eggs, cooked greens, and spicy foods such as cinnamon, turmeric or garlic.


2) Red and cracked lips

Red shows HEAT, (from excess or Yin deficiency), and cracked shows lack of Body fluids.

Diet: cooling foods & hydrating (high water content foods such as cucumber) & lubricating foods (such as avocado, seeds, and more).


3) Bluish tint/purple lips

Excess cold (blue) & Blood stasis (Purple).

Diet: warm foods such as soups & stews, and spicy foods such as garlic, turmeric & cinnamon which increase blood circulation.


4) Pale & very cracked

 Pale shows Qi, Yang or Blood depending on other symptoms/clues, and cracked lips indicate a body fluids deficiency.

Diet: easy to digest foods such as Yams, salmon, eggs, squash, and hydrating (broth) & lubricating foods (such as flax oil, walnut oil, and chia seeds).


Let me know what you think and keep rocking it with your TCM observation skills!

TCM Geek

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