AcuPro Academy
Podcast Library2024-06-24T13:34:00-07:00
  • podcast library

I organized this library into 7 subjects, so you can choose what interests you, and then listen! Chinese medicine foundation & diagnosis, Acupuncture Points, TCM Treatment Protocols, TCM nutrition, Growing a successful acupuncture practice, TCM Rock Stars interviews, and advice to grow your thriving practice to the next level.

I create new podcast episodes weekly with practical content you can take and apply to your practice or studies. So if you don’t want to miss out, sign up to get my updates (at the bottom of this post!)

Keep rocking it with acupuncture and let me know what you think 🙂

TCM Geek

If you like my graphics, check out my book series: Made Easy! AcuPoints Made Easy (an illustrated guide to acupuncture points),  Chinese Medicine Made Easy (an illustrated guide to TCM foundation & Diagnosis), and Chinese Medicine Treatments Made Easy (an illustrated guide to treatments for over 160 common syndromes)!

And, if you are an acupuncture student, make sure to check out my study guide to help you prepare to pass your exams, AcuExams Made Easy!

🌱 PS: Did you know I offer approved CE online education courses, Books and PDFS, FREE Courses & PDFS, as well as practical and fun AcuPro Merch?! Visit my store!

Chinese Medicine Foundation & Diagnosis

These episodes are great for reviewing your TCM foundation, and Chinese medicine diagnosis.

Whether you’re a student who needs a better understanding of how TCM works, or a new practitioner who needs help with diagnosis, I have you covered!

Click here for all Foundation & Diagnosis episodes.


Acupuncture Points


These podcast episodes are great for reviewing your acupuncture points, functions, and meridian pathways.

Click here for all acupuncture points episodes!


TCM Treatment Protocols


These episodes are all on TCM  treatment protocols for you to learn and benefit from. Therefore, to help you grow your TCM knowledge.

My goal is to empower you to achieve superior patient care, with confidence!

Click here to get all the Treatment Protocols!


TCM Nutrition


Diet is at the centre of our health and Chinese medicine advocates a nutrition that is geared specifically to each unique person.

These podcast episodes are all on TCM food cures and herbal medicine, according to patterns of diagnosis.

Click here to deepen your TCM Nutrition knowledge.


Grow a successful acupuncture practice


I created these podcast episodes to help you build your practice, get more quality patients, and retain them.

Learn to navigate the social media jungle, but most of all, help you grow the practice you are meant for!

Click here, take action, and watch your practice soar!


Guest Interviews


I search all over the globe for the best TCM Rock Stars to share their wisdom, expertise, and clinical pearls.

Guest interview episodes are both informative and entertaining! I have so much fun connecting with our TCM family.

Click here to listen to guest speaker episodes!


Grow your thriving practice


If you already have a thriving practice, but you want to soar even higher, then these episodes are definitely for you!

In these episodes, I share my best tips and tricks to bring your practice to the next level.

Click here for the podcast episodes for actionable steps for a soaring practice!

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