What if I told you there’s a way to take your practice even further by focusing on something as important as mental health? If you’re an acupuncturist or TCM practitioner, I know you’re already passionate about using Traditional Chinese Medicine to help your patients feel their best. That’s exactly why I created my free mental health course for you to benefit from.

Mental health is a huge part of overall well-being, and as TCM practitioners, we have the unique ability to help our patients balance their emotions and mental states using acupuncture and TCM principles. This free course is designed to take the mystery out of mental health and give you practical tools you can start using right away. I’ve broken down the complex theories of TCM into bite-sized, easy-to-understand lessons so you can start applying them in your practice with confidence.

In this course, I’ll walk you through everything from basic mental health in TCM, to the 5 personality in TCM and their potential health impacts. As well as, the 7 emotions, TCM patterns and symptoms and I’ve included TCM treatment protocols for all 7 emotions.

If you want to expand your knowledge as a TCM rock star, this course is for you! Whether you’re a seasoned practitioner or just starting out, this course will give you the practical skills to address mental health issues in your patients better and improve their overall outcomes.

So, what are you waiting for? Sign up for the free online course today and start transforming your practice and your patients’ lives!

Click here to sign up for the free course now!

Let’s help more people feel their best—mind, body, and spirit!

Keep rocking it using TCM,

TCM Geek