Today, I look at the Gallbladder channel and its 44 acupuncture points functions and location made easy. Without a doubt, the TCM Gallbladder is such the perfect organ to the TCM Liver within the Zang Fu organ theory in Chinese medicine. 🧐

The Gallbladder system is fantastic for reinforcing the TCM Liver system in many ways! First by relaxing the body and moving Qi. Then by addressing temporal headaches, tinnitus brought on by stress and many syndromes affecting the TCM liver patterns. And lastly, it supports the Liver goals and vision by making decision easily.

Personally, I love the Gallbladder channel pathway because it totally embodies this organ, which is often called the “revolving door”. It zigzags back and worth between front and back, as if it wasn’t sure which way to go! The Gallbladder organ in TCM relates to decision making, so that fits!

In clinical practice, I use a lot of the Gallbladder acupuncture points. GB 34 is a superman point I probably needle on 80% of my patients! It’s that good! 🔥

I also favour GB 2, GB 12, GB 20, Gb 21, GB 25, GB 40 and GB 41, because they rock!

In this series on acupuncture points locations & functions of each channel, I aim to make each point easy to locate, as well as differentiate all acupuncture points functions. Moreover, I also look at GB Channel pathways and how relevant they are in practice.

Let me know what you think and keep rocking it with acupuncture! 😍
TCM Geek

PS: If you want more, check out my “All about the Gallbladder” post. And if you enjoy my graphics and haven’t invested in my AcuPoints Made Easy Book (PDF or Hard Copy) yet, get your copy here! 🙏

The Gallbladder Channel of Foot Shao Yang has 44 acupuncture points (bilaterally) functions and locations are all explained in detail in the video below.

The Gallbladder Channel and its 44 Acupuncture Points

If you enjoy my graphics and haven’t invested in my AcuPoints Made Easy Book (PDF or Hard Copy) yet, get your copy here!

🔥 Links mentioned in this video:

AcuPoint Made Easy
Layers of the meridians
Bell’s Palsy
8 vessels
Pregnancy course
5 spirits
5 shu transporting points

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