Back when I was in Acupuncture college, we were told: “to practice as an acupuncturist, you only need 5 tools: needles, cotton balls, forceps, alcohol, and a sharp container!” If only (ahahaha ๐Ÿคฃ)

My main acupuncture supplies are needles, cotton balls, alcohol, forceps (just in case!), a tray, sharp container, moxa tools, gua sha, cups, 7 star/plum blossom needle pack, nickel free needles, Lancet needles, and subcutaneous needles.

Although I use all of the above and need them, I cannot live without the 5 tools below โฌ‡๏ธ

Let me know what YOU CAN’T live without in your acupuncture practice?๐Ÿ˜
TCM Geek

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Acupuncturist Tool #1: TDP Lamps

๐Ÿ”ฅ As an acupuncturist, I always look for ways to enhance my patients’ healing journeys. One tool that I have incorporating into my practice since day one is the TDP lamp.

TDP stands for “Teding Diancibo Pu,” which translates to “special electromagnetic spectrum.” These lamps emit electromagnetic radiation that has therapeutic benefits for a wide range of health conditions.

One of the most notable benefits of TDP lamps is their ability to help reduce pain and inflammation in the body. This is because the electromagnetic radiation emitted by the lamp is able to penetrate deep into the tissues, stimulating blood circulation and oxygenation. This increased blood flow can help to speed up the healing process and reduce inflammation, making it an effective tool for treating conditions such as arthritis, back pain, and muscle strains.

Another benefit of TDP lamps is their ability to promote overall wellness and improve the function of the immune system. The electromagnetic radiation emitted by the lamp is said to be able to stimulate the production of white blood cells and promote the body’s natural healing abilities. This can help to improve overall health and reduce the risk of disease.

In my practice, I often use TDP lamps in conjunction with acupuncture toย provide a comprehensive approach to healing.
Theyโ€™re crucial to treating blood stasis, excess cold, Yang deficiency, and blood deficiency patients.


Acupuncturist Tool #2:
Ear Seeds

๐Ÿ‘‚ ย One of my favourite tools to use in my practice is ear seeds. Ear seeds are made of vaccaria, stainless steel, gold, or silver that can be applied to specific points on the ear to provide therapeutic benefits.

One of the main benefits of ear seeds is their convenience and ease of use. Patients can stimulate them when at home, in between acupuncture sessions.

Another benefit of ear seeds is their durability. They can last up to a week or more, depending on the type of ear seed used and the location it was applied. This allows the therapeutic benefits to continue even after the initial treatment.

I use ear seeds mostly to reduce anxiety and stress, relieve pain, and improve sleep quality. But also to help addictions, quit smoking or lose weight.

Acupuncturist Tool #3: Electro-stimulation device

โšก๏ธ E-stim devices use electrical currents to stimulate the body’s natural healing abilities. They work by applying small electrical impulses to specific acupuncture points, muscles or nerve fibres. This stimulation helps alleviate pain, reduce inflammation and spasm, and improves the healing process.

E-stim therapy is often used to relieve pain caused by chronic conditions such as arthritis, fibromyalgia, or any acute or chronic musculoskeletal pain. It’s also useful in treating post-surgical pain, alleviate muscle spasm, as well as aid in the recovery from stroke. I also use it for natural labour induction when needed, at the end of pregnancy.

Another benefit of e-stim therapy is its flexibility. The strength and duration of the electrical impulses can be adjusted to suit the patient’s needs, making it an effective treatment for a wide range of conditions. I use it in conjunction with acupuncture but usually only for part of the session.

A warning though! E-stim should not be used for patients with a pacemaker, pregnant patient, or if the patient has metal in their body.

Acupuncturist Tool #4:
Plaster for Bruise

๐Ÿงด My patient LOVE the fast relief it provides when applied to acute or chronic muscles pain. In my opinion, itโ€™s much more effective than tiger balm or even Zheng Gu Shui liquid.

The Plaster for bruise comes in a tin can, in an adhesive roll that you can cut to the length needed for each area of the body.
This Plaster is a topical remedy you apply directly to the affected area. The natural ingredients such as menthol and essential oils, work together to reduce inflammation, and promote blood circulation.

One of the main benefits of plaster for bruise is its ability to reduce pain and inflammation. The herbs and essential oils contained in the plaster help stimulate blood flow to the area, which can reduce swelling and pain.

In clinical practice, I use it often on the trapezius muscle, the anywhere in the back, and in any muscle pain that is due to Blood Stasis. It’s great for a sprain or strain too!

Acupuncturist Tool #5: Magnetic Wand

๐Ÿช„ย As acupuncturists, we work with needles (duh ๐Ÿ˜†), which are an integral part of our practice. However, like any other profession, accidents happen, and sometimes needles can fall to the floor, especially if the patient moves a lot during treatment!

In order to maintain a safe and sanitary environment for my patients, I use a magnetic pickup wand to safely pick up dropped needles.

This wand consists of a long extendable handle with a strong magnet attached to one end. The wand is lightweight, and easy to handle. It allows me to reach into hard-to-reach areas and safely pick up needles without coming into contact with them. It makes the cleanup process safer, faster and more efficient.

Overall, a magnetic pickup wand is a valuable tool for maintaining a safe and sanitary environment in an acupuncture clinic for patients, staff and the practitioner.

Connect with me on social media at AcuPro Academy on: Facebookโ€‹, Instagramโ€‹, YouTube, TikTok, Pinterest and Twitter!

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