Recently, I took a two day course on using the 8 Extraordinary Vessels for psycho emotional trauma, with the great Yvonne Farrell. Unexpectedly, I learned of an acupuncture point I didn’t know about: KD Prime! I LOVE to learn 🙂
KD Prime is located directly below KD 1 on the lower third of the sole, when it’s divided in 3. KD Prime is very grounding and is on the Chong Mai trajectory. That’s why Chong is such a grounding vessel!
In clinical practice, I use Chong points a lot, especially for women’s issues. So, let’s look at the Chong Mai characteristics:
- Also called the Penetrating vessel.
- Circulates Essence, originate in the TCM KD.
- Sea of Blood: connects Heart & Uterus.
- Sea of Yuan Qi: brings Qi down to the feet (grounding).
- Sea Of all 12 main Meridians and Sea of the Zang-Fu Organs.
- Area of the body influenced: Heart, Stomach & Chest, Uterus, Eyes.
- Regulates the TCM Uterus for menstruation, fertility, conception, pregnancy, childbirth and menopause.
- Rebalance men’s reproductive system: erectile dysfunction, and prostate issues.
- Also used for asthma, panic attacks, vomiting and chest pain.
- Confluent point SP 4.
- Crossing Points: Ren 1, St 30, Kd 11 to 19, Kd 21.
Below you’ll find fun videos and pics about the Chong Meridian and how it’s used in clinical practice.
Keep rocking using TCM,
TCM Geek
PS: Check out the REN Vessel and the DU Vessel.
If you enjoy my graphics, check out my illustrated guide for acupuncture points here.
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The Chong Mai can regulate these physical disorders
The Chong Mai and Psychology
To being with, the Chong vessel can help anxiety disorders, but also our ability to heal emotionally during terminal illnesses. It is the vessel that balances love and logic. Moreover, intergenerational trauma is transmitted through the Chong Mai. It also gives us our habits, and is the essence of who we truly are: our authenticity.*
*Thank you to Yvonne Farrell for her amazing insight into the Chong Mai psychology*
Master Point SP 4 – Often paired with PC 6
The Chong meridian versus the Dai Meridian
Dear Clara.
What so you mean by Chrossing points?
Thank you ?
Because the Chong vessel doesn’t have its own points, it uses points from the main meridians, the points it crosses on its path. Hope that makes sense 🙂
Such wonderful information thank you very much indeed!!!
Hello, i am loving your page.
Can you tell me – extraordinary vessels don’t have their own points except gv and cv meridian. If you need to treat chong mai vessel then you will give treatment on sp4 and pc6 point . Right ? Treatment will be given on the main Meridians only ? Am I correct ?
You are totally right! yes 🔥
Thank you again, dear Clara.
My pleasure Carlos 🙂
As ever, excellent TCM info presented in a consumable format for all. Rock on ?
Thanks Steve 🙂
Hi madam what is the cause of excess prolactin in women in tcm perspective? Can we dianose prolactin issue in chong meridian? Can u suggest me some points?
Hi there,
High Prolactin levels are often due to either KD deficiency or a disharmony between Ren & Chong meridian. It’s difficult to say which points are perfect without a full tcm diagnosis… But one can always start with Lu 7, KD 6, SP 4 & Pc 6 🙂
KD Prime? What is a “prime” point? I’ve never heard of those?
It’s an extra point on the lower 1/3 of the sole of the foot 🙂
As always you are amazing & awesome with the information about TCM which is certainly read and saved by me for future reference. Have learnt a lot from you Clara…Thanks a ton!! Keep sharing these valuable info about TCM.
Thank you my friend, you rock!
Do you neddle that point? Or acupressure? If you neddle that, What size of neddle? Must be painfull?
You mean Kd Prime? Needle or Acupressure is all good. I have needled KD Prime & Kd 1, and it’s not that bad 🙂
Hi Clara
Thanks for all you do for TCM!
When you needle the extra ordinaries do you have a specific order? For example I think I remember for master / need right side first on women – then you put in your other needles in the prescription and close with left side. ..opposite for men and when remove needles the opposite way. Do you have a technique ,have you heard of this?
Yes, I’ve heard and practice this all the time 🙂
Merci pour tout ce que vous nous apprenez, c’est génial.
Merci Laraba pour votre message 🙂
Thank you lovely Clara for your tireless work in helping to mainstream Chinese Medicine. I’m sure I speak for a great many people when I say your dedication, enthusiasm and generosity resonate widely. You are loved and appreciated! <3
AWE! Thank you so much for your kind words Helena 🙂
You made my day!
Could we say sp 4 point is good for female hormones
Yes especially combined with PC 6 🙂
I dont menstruate so which one should I put pressure?
TCM doesn’t work that way, we treat the person as a whole, not the disorder. We look at the tongue, observe the skin, eyes, hair…we take the pulse, ask questions on sleep, digestion, diet, immune system…and then we make a TCM diagnosis and create a treatment plan accordingly ?
Thanks so much for your efforts and for sharing this goodness 🙂
My pleasure 🙂
Thanks Clara! Can you explain the actions of opening and closing the Chong (Sp 4 & Pc 6)?
This is for better blood flow 🙂
Dear Clara,
Thank you for sharing your knowledge. I have heard a lot of Different opinions about the needle techniques to open the extraordinary channels/meridians. What would you suggest, and what do you use in your practice? Even, tonification, or no specific preference?
Thank you
Even tonification is what I use in my practice ?
Hope this helps Helen.
I almost wanting to jump to your college to learn acupuncture from you LOL
Hahaha 🤣 Excellent!
Hi Clara,
What was the basis for Yvonne and coming up with KD Prime? Is it a point from classical theory or was it from her own exploration?
She learned it from Dr Jeffrey Yuan 🙂
SO I assume it’s from ancient Chinese texts, but not sure.
When would you use dai vs a Chong treatment
It depends what you’re trying to do, Dai is more for pelvic floor issues and keeping the organs in place and external genitalia issies, while Chong is for Blood deficiency or Blood stasis affecting the reproductive system (especially the female). 🌷
Hi Clara,
I just wondered how you would use the Dai Mai to help a woman with post birth prolapse? Would using the Dai Mai help in addition to the usual pints for prolapse?
Best Wishes
Yes absolutely! Have you checked my pregnancy course, I also include postpartum issues like that! The Dai is definitely so good to add, you’re right on point!