We all know what Qi, Essence, Yin deficiency and LV Yang rising means, because we went to school for years to study, understand and apply Chinese medicine. We graduated, got our license and started healing the world.

Unfortunately, most of us had a difficult time explaining how we form our diagnosis to our curious patients. We’re often asked: “How does Acupuncture works?”, or “What do you think is wrong with me?”.

Over the years, I have learned to explain TCM in a way my patients could grasp, and it really changed my practice. I continuously educate them about what TCM can do in a language they can totally get on board with, so they can trust my ability to help them. Good communication and trust are the pillars of a thriving acupuncture practice!

Check out these 2 videos on how to communicate your TCM diagnosis to your patients, and let me know if this was useful, until then, keep rocking it using TCM!

TCM Geek

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