What’s with the Yin Qiao & Yang Qiao (same for the Yin Wei & Yang Wei for that matter) anyway? Seriously! I know they carry Essence (Jing) like all the extraordinary vessels, but how are we suppose to use them in clinical practice? Until recently I had no clue.

Then I spent 2 full weekends with Dr. Yvonne Farrell and she made it so easy to understand these vessels, and now I use them so much more with my patients.

As a result, I figured I should share some of the information with you. Below you’ll find information, pics and videos, about the Yin Qiao and the Yang Qiao Meridians and how they’re used in clinical practice.

Keep rocking using TCM,

TCM Geek

PS: Check out the other guys, the REN Vessel, the DU Vessel, the Chong Mai and the Dai Mai, and the Yin Wei & Yang Wei.

If you enjoy my graphics, check out my illustrated guide for acupuncture points here.


The Yin Qiao Vessel Characteristics

  • Also called the Yin Heel Vessel
  • Circulates Essence, originate in the TCM KD
  • Area of the body influenced: Throat, Chest and Lung
  • Regulates Qi & Blood flow from the heel to the eyes, for foot inversion, fallen arches or hot feet, determines posture
  • In charge of sleep at night and the closure of the eyes
  • Treats women’s issues for placenta retention, difficult labour or post-partum abdominal pain.
  • External genitalia (swelling), and urinary disorders (incontinence).
  • Benefit the throat & regulates thyroid function
  • Confluent point Kd 6 (paired with Lu 7)
  • Crossing Points: Kd 6, Kd 8 and Bl 1 which can be used to treat disorders affecting the Yin Qiao vessel.

The Yin Qiao can help these physical disorders

Yin Qiao and Psychology

To begin, the Yin Qiao connects to our introverted side, and allow us self reflection, and how we stand up to ourselves. It supports healthy relationship to our bodies to prevent distorted body image. Additionally, it help us connect to our sexual identity. Correspondingly, Yin Qiao also provides grounding & self trust for those with self doubt, or those who feel scattered.*

*Thank you to Yvonne Farrell for her amazing insight into the Yin Qiao Mai psychology*

Master Point KD 6 – Often paired with LU 7

In particular, KD 6 is a fantastic acupuncture point especially for Yin deficiency.
– Great for irregular menses, amenorrhea, and dysmenorrhea.
– Helps swollen sore throat, loss of voice, dry throat and difficulty in swallowing.
– Nourishes Yin for constipation with dry stools, night sweats and insomnia.
– Calms the mind for fears & phobias, anxiety, and nightmares.
– Benefits urination & relieve genital itch and swelling.

The Yang Qiao Vessel characteristics
  • Also called the Yang Heel Vessel
  • Circulates Essence, originate in the TCM KD
  • Area of the body influenced: Neck, Shoulder, Back and Inner Canthus
  • Governs Body movements during the day, balance gait or instability.
  • Benefits the eyes & helps insomnia
  • Benefits the hips & back for sciatica and pain
  • Restore urinary function for dribbling or retention
  • Resolves interior and exterior Wind
  • Confluent point Bl 62 (paired with Si 3)
  • Crossing Points: Bl 62, Bl 61, Bl 59, Gb 29, Si 10, Li 16, Li 15, St 4, St 3, St 1, Bl 1, Gb 20 which can be used to treat disorders affecting the Yang Qiao vessel.

The Yang Qiao can help these physical disorders


Yang Qiao and Psychology

Specifically, the Yang Qiao Vessel connects to our extroverted side, and how we stand up to the world. It helps us respond to external stimuli, and resolves phlegm misting the mind for manic behaviour or paranoia. Moreover, it helps those who are in constant rebellion against the world or who are very judgmental. Finally, it also is useful in cases where someone cannot stop doing, the go-go-go person who cannot just be.

*Thank you to Yvonne Farrell for her amazing insight into the Yang Qiao Mai psychology*

Master Point BL 62 (often paired with Si 3)

BL 62 is great to relieve back pain & stiff neck,  and tension headaches. In general, it helps dizziness, vertigo and can help prevent epileptic attacks. Additionally, BL 62 also calms the mind for insomnia due to restlessness, and for manic behaviour. I love that it releases the heaviness of emotional trauma by helping the patient feel lighter.

The Yin Qiao Vessel versus the Yang Qiao Vessel at a glance